Serie A 2011//2012 [rosters, calendar, play off formula]

Kk15 1301
2011-07-14 • 3942 views • 13 replies

legend--> S=OH; C=MB; P=setter; confermato=confirmed; nuovo=new; All. (allenatore)= coach

Abdelaziz (P), Antonov (S), Curti (C), De Togni (C), Dolfo (S), Farina (L)*, Fei (S), Horstink (S), Kohut (C), Ogurcak (S), Sorato (L), Suxho (P), Szabo (S).
All. Piazza (confermato)
* available after the third round of the italian championship.

Baranowicz (P), Caceres (S), Fortunato (C), Grbic (P), Henno (L), Mastrangelo (C),N’Gapeth (S), Patriarca G. (S), Pieri (L), Rossi (C), Van Lankvelt (S), Vesely (C), Vissotto (S), Wijsmans (S).
All. Gulinelli (nuovo)

De Pandis (L), Fragkos (S), Galabinov (S), Gitto (C), Guemart (P), Hardy-Dessources (C), Jarosz (S), Rivera (S), Roca (S), Sottile (P),Troy (S), Cester (C)*
All. Prandi (nuovo)
*available after the third round of the italian championship.

Exiga (L), Lampariello (S), Monopoli (P), Omrcen (S), Pajenk (C), Parodi (S), Podrascanin (C), Savani (S), Stankovic (C), Travica (P), Van Walle (S), Kovar (S)*
All. Giuliani (nuovo)
* after the third round of championship
ps Lampariello is also the second libero

Anderson (S), Bellei (S), Carletti (P), Casoli ( S), Catellani (L), Dennis (S), Diachkov (S), Esko (P), Kooy (S), Manià (L), Piscopo (C), Sala (C), Yosifov (C), Martino (S)
All. D. Bagnoli (confermato)

Aleksiev (S), Buti (C), Ciabattini (L), De Cecco (P), Forni (C), Gavotto (S), Molteni (S), Mor (C), Nikic (S), Rooney (S), Rossini (L), Roumeliotis (S), Shumov (C), Zhukouski (P).
All. Zanini (nuovo)
Luciano De Cecco won't play the first match due to his committment with the Argentinian NT

Cricca (C), De Marchi (S), Garghella (L), Giannotti ( S), Gonzalez (P), Koshikawa (S), Rosso (S), Schwarz (S), Semenzato (C), Simeonov (S), Suliagic (C), Tiberti (P), Zingaro (L).
All. Montagnani (confermato)

Ammerman (P), Holt (C), Kral (C), Marra (L), Marretta (S), Massari (S), Nikolov V. (S), Papi (S), Penchev (S), Sidibé (S), Tencati (C), Zhekov (P), Zlatanov (S).
All. Lorenzetti (confermato)

Bendandi (P), Brunner (C), Corvetta (P), Gallosti (L), Gruszka (S), Leonardi (C), Mengozzi (C), Moro (S), Quiroga (S), Ricci (C), Roberts (S), Sirri (S), Tabanelli (L), Verhanneman (S).
All. Babini (confermato)
Quiroga won't play the first match due to his committment with the Argentinian NT

Bencz (S), Bjelica (C), Boninfante (P), Cisolla (S), Corsano (L), Lebl (C), Maruotti (S), Paolucci (P), Puliti (S), Sabbi (S), Zaytsev (S), Paparoni (L)*, Passier (C)**
All. Giani (confermato)
*after the third round of championship
** he will play from the third or fourth round.

Bartoletti (S), Conte F. (S), Cozzi (C), Creus Larry (C), Finazzi (C), Giovi (L), Lo Bianco (S), Mc Kibbin (P), Petkovic (P), Rauwerdink (S), Starovic (S), Tholse (S), Urnaut (S).
All. De Giorgi F. (nuovo)
Facundo Conte won't play the first match due to his committment with the Argentinian NT

Bari (L), Birarelli (C), Burgsthaler (C), Coali (C), Colaci (L), Della Lunga (S), Djuric (C), Juantorena (S), Kaziyski (S), Lanza (S), Raphael (P), Sokolov (S), Stokr (S), Zygadlo (P), Brinkman (C)
All. Stoytchev (confermato)

Bolla (S), Calderan (P), Casarin (S), Gasparini (S), Kosmina (S), Kromm (S), Meoni (P), Patriarca S. (C), Popp (S),Postiglioni (C), Smerilli (L), Ter Horst (S), Zingel (C).
All. B. Bagnoli (confermato)

Barone (C), Bonetti (P), Bratoev (S), Cernic (S), Coscione (P), Diaz (S), Falasca (S), Fanuli (L), Grassano (S), Klapwijk (S), Nikolov N. (C), Rak (C).
All. Blengini (nuovo)


SCUDETTO (Italian Championship)

12 teams organized in 4 pools: A 1°,8°,12° (they will play in 1°team home); B 2°,7°,11°(2° team home); C 3°,6°,10° (3° team home); D 4°, 5°, 9° (4° team home)
Each team will play with the other 2 only once.
date: 7-8-9 April. first day: n1 of the pool vs n3 of the same pool, n2 rests. second day: who lose vs n2. third day: who won and n2.

first in pool A vs first in pool D; first in pool B vs first in pool C. Semifinal: 2 of 3 matches. In case of third match, it will be played at home of the team A for the first semifinal, B for the second semifinal (as always)
date: 12-15-18 April

Final (V-Day) (Forum di Assago, Milan)
date: 22 April


Semifinal Challenge Cup
Second of pool A vs second of pool D; second of pool B vs second of pool C (if they are already qualificated for CL, will be the third. In case also the third is already qualificated for CL, will be the team with best position in regoular season between the other thirds of the pools)
date: 12-15-18 April

Final Challenge CUP
at home of the team with the best position in regoular season between the two teams that won the challenge cup semifinal
date: 21 April


1 november 2011 (Cagliari)

wed. 25 january 2012 (at home of the team with the best position in Regular Season)
Final Four
18 e 19 february 2012 (Palalottomatica, Roma)

Start: 25 september 2011
End: 1 april 2012

1° giornata - 25 Settembre 2011 / 8 gennaio 2012
Belluno -Latina
Trento - Monza
Padova - Piacenza
Macerata - Ravenna
Cuneo - Verona
S.Giustino - Vibo
Modena - Roma

2° giornata - 2 ottobre 2011 / 15 gennaio 2012
Piacenza - Trento
Monza - Padova
Latina - San Giustino
Vibo Valentia - Cuneo
Verona - Belluno
Ravenna - Modena
Roma - Macerata

3° giornata - 9 ottobre 2011 / 22 gennaio 2012
Padova - Trento
Macerata - Piacenza
Latina - Verona
Belluno - Vibo Valentia
Modena - Monza
Cuneo - Roma
San Giustino - Ravenna

4° giornata - 16 ottobre 2011 / 29 gennaio 2012
Trento - Macerata
Belluno - San Giustino
Ravenna - Monza
Cuneo - Latina
Modena - Piacenza
Vibo Valentia - Roma
Verona - Padova

5° giornata - 23 ottobre 2011 / 5 febbraio 2012
Macerata - Cuneo
Padova - Modena
Trento - San Giustino
Ravenna - Verona
Roma - Belluno
Monza - Latina
Piacenza - Vibo Valentia

6° giornata - 30 ottobre 2011 / 12 febbraio 2012
Modena - Trento
San Giustino - Roma
Cuneo - Ravenna
Vibo Valentia - Macerata
Belluno - Padova
Verona - Monza
Latina - Piacenza

7° giornata - 5 Novembre 2011 / 26 febbraio 2012
San Giustino - Cuneo
Trento - Ravenna
Macerata - Modena
Roma - Latina
Monza - Belluno
Piacenza - Verona
Padova - Vibo Valentia

Sosta World Cup

8° giornata - 8 dicembre 2011 / 4 marzo 2012
Cuneo - Belluno
Monza - Piacenza
Ravenna - Padova
Modena - San Giustino
Vibo Valentia - Trento
Latna - Macerata
Verona - Roma

9° giornata - 11 dicembre 2011 / 7 marzo 2012
Piacenza - Ravenna
Macerata - Monza
Latina - Vibo Valentia
San Giustino - Verona
Belluno - Modena
Roma - Trento
Padova - Cuneo

10° giornata - 18 dicembre 2011 / 11 marzo 2012
Padova - Macerata
Vibo Valentia - Verona
Modena - Latina
Trento - Cuneo
Ravenna - Roma
Piacenza - Belluno
Monza - San Giustino

11° giornata - 26 dicembre 2011 / 18 marzo 2012
Verona - Modena
Vibo Valentia - Ravenna
Belluno - Trento
Cuneo - Monza
San Giustino - Macerata
Latina - Padova
Roma - Piacenza

12° giornata - 29 dicembre 2011 / 25 marzo 2012
Modena - Vibo Valentia
Trento - Verona
Piacenza - Cuneo
Macerata - Belluno
Ravenna - Latina
Monza - Roma
Padova - San Giustino

13° giornata - 5 Gennaio 2012 / 1 aprile 2012
Cuneo - Modena
Latina - Trento
Verona - Macerata
Belluno - Ravenna
Vibo Valentia - Monza
San Giustino - Piacenza
Roma - Padova


HeeelMooi 220 4
12 years ago
What are 'the market rules'?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 years ago
I don't know exactly...

For sure is possible to enrol (in italian "tesserare") a player after the third match of the championship, but I think there are few differences about the market Italy-Italy and the market Italy-Abroad. And I don't know until when.

The SerieA2 will have a "market-window" around the end of the season in case they have players that have to play with their NT for Olympic qualification (but they can only buy players who didn't play in Italy during the same season)
(The Serie A1 ends before FIVB tournaments)

Plus, I read (but I think that until now it's only an idea, not becomed official) that it will be possible to take ONE new player until the first match of play off (to avoid situation like Cuneo-Parodi: Cuneo found itself without a main player and in general without an OH when the market was closed and they couldn't replace him).
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago

Luciano De Cecco won't play the first match due to his committment with the Argentinian NT

same note should be about Quiroga and Vissotto - BRA NT ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 years ago
Damn you are right, I thought only to Facu and Lucianito because Antinelli nomined only them in the presentation...

Kk15Author 1301 11
12 years ago
a movie with all the rosters and the starting six
Akolita 149 2
12 years ago
Ryan Millar in interview said that he has proposals from Italy and Russia and he will go to on of this countries. Latina, Trento, Roma? And Lukasz Kadziewicz still without a club, maybe some Italian club will be interested...

Roma and Trento for sure will hire some foreign middle blocker, Latina probably wait for Cester, as I supposed.
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 years ago
Rai will broadcast these matches (plan until the WC)

1a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Domenica 25 settembre 2011, ore 17.45

Itas Diatec Trentino – Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza Diretta Rai Sport 1

2a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Sabato 1 ottobre 2011, ore 17.00

Andreoli Latina – Umbria Volley San Giustino Diretta Rai Sport 1

Domenica 2 ottobre 2011, ore 20.30

M. Roma Volley – Lube Banca Marche Macerata Diretta Rai Sport 1

3a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Sabato 8 ottobre 2011, ore 17.30

Lube Banca Marche Macerata – Copra Elior Piacenza Diretta Rai Sport 1

Domenica 9 ottobre 2011, ore 17.30

Sisley Belluno – Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia Diretta Rai Sport 1

4a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Sabato 15 ottobre 2011, ore 17.30

Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo – Andreoli Latina Diretta Rai Sport 1

Domenica 16 ottobre 2011, ore 17.30

Marmi Lanza Verona – Fidia Padova Diretta Rai Sport 1

5a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Sabato 22 ottobre 2011, ore 17.30

CMC Ravenna – Marmi Lanza Verona Diretta Rai Sport 1

Domenica 23 ottobre 2011, ore 17.30

Fidia Padova – Casa Modena Diretta Rai Sport 1

6a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Sabato 29 ottobre 2011, ore 17.30

Casa Modena – Itas Diatec Trentino Diretta Rai Sport 1

Domenica 30 ottobre 2011, ore 17.30

Umbria Volley San Giustino – M. Roma Volley Diretta Rai Sport 1


Martedì 1 novembre 2011, ore 18.00

Itas Diatec Trentino – Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo Diretta Rai Sport 1

7a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Sabato 5 novembre 2011, ore 17.30

Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza – Sisley Belluno Diretta Rai Sport 1

Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago
Kk15 could u record matches from next round, I mean 1st and and of october, because i'm not sure if i'll watch it
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 years ago
Unfortunally the website I used during the WL to record the matches isn't working anymore ?
But there will be a match for week available on (it will be trasmitted live and for a while after the match. And then it will be put in "sportube on demand")
This is the plan of sportube till the WC pause.

1a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Domenica 25 settembre 2011, ore 18.00

Energy Resources San Giustino – Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia Diretta

2a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Domenica 2 ottobre 2011, ore 18.00

Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia – Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo Diretta

3a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Domenica 9 ottobre 2011, ore 18.00

Casa Modena – Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza Diretta

4a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Lunedì 17 ottobre 2011, ore 20.00

Itas Diatec Trentino – Lube Banca Marche Macerata Diretta

5a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Domenica 23 ottobre 2011, ore 18.00

M. Roma Volley – Sisley Belluno Diretta

6a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Sabato 29 ottobre 2011, ore 20.30

Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo – CMC Ravenna Diretta

7a giornata Serie A1 Sustenium

Sabato 5 novembre 2011, ore 20.30

Copra Elior Piacenza – Marmi Lanza Verona Diretta Sportube.t
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 years ago
Cester in Latina.
Vissotto will be available since the first round because he isn't playing the South American Championship.
Passier is playing the Asian Championship with Australia.
The Supercup will be in Cagliari and the V-day is confirmed in Milan.
Martino in Modena (probably one of the other OHs will leave, may be Kooy)
Zyta 1332 11
12 years ago
Kooy shows he won't go anywhere so fast and for sure he won't give back Martino place in starting six so easily, 82% in attack!

And Sava... I have no words for him ?
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 years ago
Yes, Sava was AMAZING. I would love to watch that match ?
90% attack (19/21, 1 errors, never blocked), 82%55% in reception, 3 blocks (two in a row), 1 ace (3 errors, 17 serves). In stats sheet of legavolley he has 7.3 as vote, I wondered what the hell a player have to do to get an 8!!!

Macerata has the best attack and reception stats, very nice work in reception also by Exiga and Parodi (that also had 63% in attack, 1 block... in serve 5 errors, but 24 serves!), the only one that according to the stats didn't play his best match is Stankovic...
In general, Giuliani said that he was absolutly staisfated about the side-out (of course he was, with these stats in reception and attack!*.*), but he pretends more from the break-point phase (serve, block-defense). He said they'll focus about that, because of course they need to train a lot to find a good cooperation block-defense. And let me say that with their server and their blocker and their diggers, working well on it (and Giuliani with Cuneo did a wonderful job about cooperation block-defense, so...), they'll also have a killing break-point phase!

Rome ? Terrible, terrible reception, as far as I read.

Starovic got injuried at the end of the first set, smth with his knee, don't know exactly, but I'm afraid we'll have to wait a bit to have him back... I hope I'm wrong! Good luck Sasa!
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 years ago

Sisley Belluno - Andreoli Latina 1-3 (27-25, 14-25, 19-25, 21-25)

Itas Diatec Trentino - Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza 3-0 (25-19, 25-22, 25-23)

Fidia Padova - Copra Elior Piacenza 3-0 (26-24, 25-21, 27-25)

Lube Banca Marche Macerata - CMC Ravenna 3-1 (25-13, 24-26, 25-15, 25-19)

Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo - Marmi Lanza Verona 3-0 (25-22, 26-24, 25-23)

Energy Resources San Giustino - Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia 2-3 (25-22, 18-25, 29-27, 21-25, 14-16)

Casa Modena - M. Roma Volley 3-1 (21-25, 25-21, 25-17, 25-19)


Itas Diatec Trentino, Fidia Padova, Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo, Lube Banca Marche Macerata, Andreoli Latina, Casa Modena 3, Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia 2, Energy Resources San Giustino 1, M. Roma Volley, Sisley Belluno, CMC Ravenna, Marmi Lanza Verona, Copra Elior Piacenza, Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza 0


ATTACK: 64,9%

Lube Banca Marche Macerata

RICEZIONE: Pos. 78,7% Perf. 59%

Lube Banca Marche Macerata


Andreoli Latina

Energy Resources San Giustino

Fidia Padova

Sisley Belluno


Energy Resources San Giustino


Andreoli Latina

Casa Modena



Igor Omrcen (Lube Banca Marche Macerata)


Igor Omrcen (Lube Banca Marche Macerata)


Alain Addys Roca Borrero (Andreoli Latina)

Matey Kaziyski (Itas Diatec Trentino)


Gérald Hardy-Dessources (Andreoli Latina)


Murphy Edward TROY (Sisley Belluno - Andreoli Latina)

Matey KAZIYSKI (Itas Diatec Trentino - Acqua Paradiso Monza Brianza)

Javier GONZALEZ (Fidia Padova - Copra Elior Piacenza)

Cristian SAVANI (Lube Banca Marche Macerata - CMC Ravenna)

Nikola GRBIC (Bre Banca Lannutti Cuneo - Marmi Lanza Verona)

Luis Augusto DIAZ (Energy Resources San Giustino - Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia)

Dick KOOY (Casa Modena - M. Roma Volley)

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